During the actinobiome study of Galindez Island (Antarctic Sea), the MCCAP researchers isolated actinomycetes of the genus Actinoplanes. However, the study of these isolates caused some difficulties in phylogenetic reconstruction. To understand the differences between the strains, a genomic analysis of all members of the genus Actinoplanes was carried out. Thus, the genus was divided into 5 genera: Actinoplanes, Paractinoplanes, Winogradskya, Symbioplanes and Amorphoplanes.
Paractinoplanes (Par. ac. ti. no. pla’nes. Gr. prep. para, beside; N.L. masc. n. Actinoplanes, a bacterial genus name; N.L. masc. n. Paractinoplanes, beside Actinoplanes).
Winogradskya (Wi. no. grads’ky.a. N.L. fem. n. Winogradskya, named after the microbiologist, ecologist and soil scientist S.M. Winogradsky (1856–1953), who was born in Ukraine).
Symbioplanes(Sym. bi. o. pla’nes. Gr. masc./fem. adj. symbios, living together, symbiotic; Gr. masc. n. planês, a wanderer; N.L. masc. n. Symbioplanes, a wanderer organism which forms a symbiotic relationship).
Amorphoplanes (A. mor. pho. pla’nes. Gr. masc. adj. amorphos, without form, shapeless; Gr. masc. n. planês, a wanderer; N.L. masc. n. Amorphoplanes, irregularly shaped wanderer).
MCCAP researchers describe 4 new genera of actinomycetes
During the actinobiome study of Galindez Island (Antarctic Sea), the MCCAP researchers isolated actinomycetes of the genus Actinoplanes. However, the study of these isolates caused some difficulties in phylogenetic reconstruction. To understand the differences between the strains, a genomic analysis of all members of the genus Actinoplanes was carried out. Thus, the genus was divided into 5 genera: Actinoplanes, Paractinoplanes, Winogradskya, Symbioplanes and Amorphoplanes.
Paractinoplanes (Par. ac. ti. no. pla’nes. Gr. prep. para, beside; N.L. masc. n. Actinoplanes, a bacterial genus name; N.L. masc. n. Paractinoplanes, beside Actinoplanes).
Winogradskya (Wi. no. grads’ky.a. N.L. fem. n. Winogradskya, named after the microbiologist, ecologist and soil scientist S.M. Winogradsky (1856–1953), who was born in Ukraine).
Symbioplanes (Sym. bi. o. pla’nes. Gr. masc./fem. adj. symbios, living together, symbiotic; Gr. masc. n. planês, a wanderer; N.L. masc. n. Symbioplanes, a wanderer organism which forms a symbiotic relationship).
Amorphoplanes (A. mor. pho. pla’nes. Gr. masc. adj. amorphos, without form, shapeless; Gr. masc. n. planês, a wanderer; N.L. masc. n. Amorphoplanes, irregularly shaped wanderer).
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