Our patents

Stalemate. 126622 Ukraine, IPC C12N1/20 C12R1/465 C12P17/18.

A strain of actinomycetes Streptomyces sp. IMB AS-5045 – producer of the antibiotic flavacol and its derivative 3-(2-hydroxymethylpropyl)-6-(2-methylpropyl)-1n-pyrazin-2-one/ Kachor A.I., Tistechok S.I., Gromyko O. M., Fedorenko V.O.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. a202104137; statement 07/15/2021; published 02.11.2022, Bul. 44/2022.

Stalemate. 123122 Ukraine, IPC C12N 1/20 (2006.01) C12R 1/465 (2006.1) G01N 33/569 (2006.01) C12P 17/18 (2006.01).

A strain of actinomycetes Strepomyces sp. IMB Ac-5038 – producer of the antibiotic lidicamycin and its derivatives / Tistechok S.I., Gromyko O.M., Fedorenko V.O.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. a 2019 08169; statement 15.07.2019; published 02/17/2021, Bul. #7.

Stalemate. 122104 Ukraine, IPC (2020.01) C12N 1/20 (2006.01) C12R 1/465 (2006/01) A61K 31/00.

A strain of actinomycetes Streptomyces sp. IMB Ac-5039 – producer of thiopeptide antibiotic berninamycin A / Gromyko O.M., Tistechok S.I., Fedorenko V.O.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. a 201903180; statement 04/01/2019; published 10.09.2020, Bul. No. 17.

Stalemate. 141141 Ukraine, IPC (2020.01) C12N 15/76 (2006.01) G01N 1/00.

A method of researching the antimicrobial activity of actinomycetes / Korniychuk O.P., Fedorenko V.O., Gromyko O.M., Tistechok S.I., Tymchuk I.V., Panas M.A.; the applicant and owner is Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. – No. u 201908837; statement 22.07.2019; published 03/25/2020, Bul. No. 6.

Stalemate. 128141 Ukraine, IPC (2018.01) C12N 15/00 C12P 23/00.

The method of introducing replicative and integrative plasmids into the strain of Streptomyces sp. Lv 1-48 – producer of the antibiotic uniperolid A/ Tistechok S.I., Gromyko O.M., Fedorenko V.O.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. u 201801407; statement 13.02.2018; published 10.09.2018, Bul. No. 17.

Stalemate. 71729, Ukraine, IPC (2012.01), C12Q 1/00, C12Q 1/02 (2006.01), C12Q 1/04 (2006.01).

The method of increasing the biosynthesis of antibiotics of the moenomycin series / Rabyk M.V., Ostash B.O., Fedorenko V.O.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. u2012 00140; statement 04.01.2012; published 25.07.2012, Bull. No. 14.

Stalemate. 70091, Ukraine, IPC, C12N 15/03 (2006.01), C12N 15/67 (2006.01).

The method of delivery of replicative and integrative plasmid DNA into cells of the Streptomyces ehinatus strain / Klymyshyn D.O., Fedorenko V.O., Gonchar M.O., Kolisnyk G.V.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. u2011 13702; statement 21.11.2011; published 25.05.2012, Bul. No. 10.

Stalemate. 69352, Ukraine, IPC, C02F 3/34 (2006.01), C02F 113/02 (2006.01), C02F 101/22 (2006.01).

The method of disposal of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) / Hrubskyi Y.P., Ostash B.O., Fedorenko V.O.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. u2011 12237; statement 09.10.2011; published 04/25/2012, Bull. No. 8.

Stalemate. 63824, Ukraine, IPC (2011.01), C12Q 1/00.

The method of obtaining strains of Streptomycesnogalater with an increased level of synthesis of nogalamycin / Klymyshyn D.O., Fedorenko V.O., Gromyko O.M., Grenj T.P., Niemets O. Ya.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. u2011 02650; statement 03/09/2011; published 25.10.2011, Bull. No. 20.

Stalemate. 63820 Ukraine, IPC (2011.01), C12Q 1/00, C12Q 1/02 (2006.01), C12Q 1/04 (2006.01).

The method of increasing the biosynthesis of phosphoglycolipid antibiotics / Ostash B.O., Fedorenko V.O., Gromyko O.M., Walker-Kane S.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. u2011 02624; statement 03/09/2011; published 25.10.2011, Bull. No. 20.

Patent for cor. model. No. 54717 Ukraine, IPC (2009) C12N 15/03, C12N 15/67, C12P 15/00, C12P 19/00.

The method of introducing replicative and integrative plasmids into the Actinoplanes teichomyceticus strain / Ostash B.O., Zaburannyi N.V., Gromyko O.M., Fedorenko V.O.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. u20104454; statement 04/15/2010; published 25.11.2010, Bull. No. 22.

Patent for the invention No. 94958 Ukraine, IPC (2009) C12Р 21/04, C12N 1/20, C12R 1/465, C12P 19/00.

Method of biosynthesis of thiopeptides/ Ostash B.O., Fedorenko V.O., Lytvynovich O.R., Gromyko O.M., Hrubskyi Y.P.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. a2009 01520; statement 23.02.2009; published 25.06.2011, Bul. No. 12.

Patent 91725 Ukraine, IPC (2009) C12Q1/00, C12/Q102, C12/Q1/04.

The method of detection of thiostrepton antibiotics/ Myronovskyi M.L., Ostash B.O., Ostash I.S., Fedorenko V.O.; applicant and owner Ivan Franko Lviv National University. – No. a200806265.; statement 12.05.2008; published . 08/25/2010, Bul. No. 16.

Patent UA62200A, MPK7C12N15/00.

Gromyko O.M., Fedorenko V.O. Basilia L.I. The actinomycete strain Streptomyces globisporus Smy622 is a producer of the antitumor antibiotic landomycin E. Appl. 3.06. 2003; Publ. 15.04.2004.-Bull. No. 4.- 4 p.

Patent UA62200A, MPK7C12N15/00.

Fedorenko V.O., Rebets Yu.V., Ostash B.O., Luzhetskyi A.M. The method of obtaining strains of Streptomyces globisporus with an increased level of biosynthesis of landomycins. Application 24.01.2003; Publ. 15.12.2003.-Bull. No. 12. -10 s.

Patent 50047A Ukraine.

Dubytska L.P., Fedorenko V.O. The method of obtaining strains of Streptomyces peucetius subsp. caesius with increased synthesis of doxorubicin and the ability to convert daunorubicin into doxorubicin. Application 16.03.2001; Published on October 15, 2002. Bull. No. 10 – 10 c.

Patent 34119A Ukraine.

Todosiichuk T.S., Shynka-renko L.M., Zholner L.G., Basiliya L.I., Fedorenko V.O. The strain Streptomyces reci-fensis var. lyticus is a producer of a hydrolytic enzyme preparation. Application 04.06.1999; Publ. 15.02.2001. Bull. No. 1.