Our partners


Saarland University (Germany)

Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

The main direction of our joint research is the chemical analysis of secondary metabolites of natural isolates of actinomycetes. In cooperation with the group of Professor Andrii Luzhetskyi, we succeeded in discovering new biologically active substances, including of antibiotics isolated from actinomycetes of the rhizosphere of plants of the Crimean Peninsula (Ukraine). Today, we are working on deciphering the structures of a new class of antibiotics and their properties.

Department of technology of milk and dairy products

Together with the group of Professor Orisa Tsisaryk, we started molecular genetic studies of strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from the original fermented milk products of the Carpathian region, and their probiotic properties. The goal of our cooperation is the development of new fermented milk products.

On the order of one of the largest producers of dairy products in Ukraine, we manufacture the bacterial concentrate “Carpaticus”, which made the yogurts of the trademark “Halychyna” even tastier and more useful for health.

Our partnership on a financial basis has been ongoing since the company was founded. The main areas of cooperation are partial and complete sequencing of the genomes of microorganisms, as well as metagenomic analysis of biomaterial. This allows us to assess the phylogenetic diversity of the microbiota of natural biotopes, to determine the taxonomic position of natural isolates, to assess the potential of microorganisms to produce biologically active compounds

The main direction of cooperation on a financial basis with the Institute of Animal Biology of the National Academy of Sciences is the development of methods of long-term storage of biological material. In close cooperation with Doctor of Biological Sciences Yuriy Saliga, we adapted methods of lyophilization of various groups of microorganisms, in particular actinomycetes, yeasts, and lactic acid bacteria.